In the Export tab you can export your models and publish them on the cloud for distribution.

The following formats are used:

  • USDZ: used by ARKit Quick Look
  • GLTF: used by WebGL viewer
  • GLB: used by ARCore and WebGL viewer

To export a model select the configuration(s) (01) and press the button "LOCAL EXPORT" (02).

You can select or deselect a configuration by clicking on the checkbox on the left or by selecting the row and pressing the spacebar key

The columns on the right side (03) show if an export of the model configuration exists and if so, its weight. File weights are coloured to indicate how big they are. There is no absolute maximum size for a model but usually these files are distributed over the Internet so need to take them into account to provide a good user experience. If you see a red X, it means that no export exists for that format for that model configuration.

To see the USDZ Quick Look preview click on  (04) or select the row and press cmd-Y.

To open the folder where your exports are click on (04).  This folder contains your exports in the three formats and the thumbnails.

Thumbnail column (05)shows if you have created the thumbnails. If you haven't you can do it in the Design tab (see dedicated help page).

On the top (06) you find buttons to modify selection and change the outline viewer:

  • select all
  • select none
  • expand all
  • expand none

In collapsed mode configurations are hidden and only models are shown: you can now have an overview of the state of your exports.